IT Hardware
Let us help you choose the right equipment for the jobThese days you have a lot of options for buying inexpensive hardware. Amazon, Best Buy and eBay are loaded with cheap products, and how do you know the good from the bad or what will work best for your business. We work hard with our reputable vendors to find top quality products which we have thoroughly vetted and are comfortable supporting. We continually reevaluate the products we sell to ensure they are a good fit for our customers. Let us be your hardware provider and save time and money in the process!

Nextech Branded
Nextech branded hardware offers unparalleled performance and power. We offer servers, desktops, firewalls, and IP telephone systems all under our own brand. Our products are built with parts from the best names in the business. We stand behind these products 110%, offer extended warranties and maintain an inventory of spare parts if needed. With Nextech as your IT service provider, it makes sense to consider hardware we know backwards and forwards.

Dell Branded
Dell is one of the top server and networking providers in the world. Nextech is registered in the Dell PartnerDirect program, which allows us to offer the full range of Dell products and services, often at less than what Dell sells them for directly. It also tells you that we are explicitly qualified to deliver you the latest Dell solutions. We strive to help you lower your cost of operation and guide your decision to the right Dell technology for your environment. Starting with an assessment and deployment plan, our dedicated team of Dell specialists works with you to expand your business through the latest hardware offerings.

Achieve a deeper level of security with the SonicWall Network Security Appliance (NSA) Series of next-generation firewalls. NSA Series appliances integrate automated and dynamic security capabilities into a single platform, combining the patented1 SonicWall Reassembly Free Deep Packet Inspection (RFDPI) firewall engine with a powerful, massively scalable, multi-core architecture. Now you can block even the most sophisticated threats with a multi-engine sandbox (Capture ATP), an intrusion prevention system (IPS) featuring advanced anti-evasion capabilities, SSL decryption and inspection, and network-based malware protection that leverages the power of the cloud.
Nextech is a member of the SonicWall SecureFirst partner program.